Anahita Necklace

Anahita Necklace


“Anahita” silver necklace with hand engraved mermaid on malachite stone and loop-in-loop chain. Earliest surviving examples of loop-in-loop chains were those discovered in the royal graves at Ur which have been dated to around 3000 B.C.

In Persia, Anahita was the deity assigned to water, as well as fertility and prosperity. Anahita is a Protector of Women.

Malachite has been mined in ancient Egypt from as early as 3000BC. It was used as an eye paint, a pigment for wall painting and the colouring of glass.

Malachite symbolism has strong associations with travellers, in some parts of Italy, people wore malachite pieces resembling eyes to ward away the Evil Eye.

Materials: Sterling Silver; Malachite cabochon

Stone Size: 20-16mm

Chain Length: 16 Inches

Please note that each carving will slightly vary as each Malachite is individually hand carved.

Avoid storing the necklace in damp and hot conditions as this will cause the gold plating to discolour and tarnish quicker.

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